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    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    I had a hangover

    I had a hangover on Saturday morning after my long night of drinking on Halloween. Today's the 4th, and I'm down to 28 days, 4 weeks exactly, until I can walk into a bar and order an Appletini, or a Jack and coke, or an entire bottle of wine. It's also another 5 weeks until I'm done with classes this quarter, then I'm down to about 5 quarters to finish up my degree.

    I remember a day was that I couldn't imagine life after 21. Not that I couldn't imagine being alive, I just had no idea what it would be like, I just couldn't think past 21. It's finally setting in though, what life will be like at 21 years and one day.

    I'll have a hangover, and it might never go away.

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