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    Sunday, November 30, 2008

    Two Schools of Thought

    Two friends with more experience than I myself have with alcohol have each proposed differing views on the best method of alcohol consumption.

    "The answer is always malt liquor, preferably with energy drink mixed in."
    -Lindsey Grad

    "The tower of beer... It was more than enough, and it didn't contain anything cheap."
    -Paul Fillmore

    The take away point from these arguments is that whatever the best alcohol is, it isn't Vodka.

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    This is how we do

    Thursday, November 13, 2008

    Time flies

    The number of days between now and my 21st birthday is less than the number of years I've been alive. And there's more good news. I'm not taking Math any more, so now I can have a proper 21 run, with no tests in the morning. I also have less than 30 days before this interminable Autumn quarter is finally...terminal. Then I can get on with my life, and hopefully get back to inciting revolutions with my art.

    This, I'm willing to wager, is not going to end well.

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    I had a hangover

    I had a hangover on Saturday morning after my long night of drinking on Halloween. Today's the 4th, and I'm down to 28 days, 4 weeks exactly, until I can walk into a bar and order an Appletini, or a Jack and coke, or an entire bottle of wine. It's also another 5 weeks until I'm done with classes this quarter, then I'm down to about 5 quarters to finish up my degree.

    I remember a day was that I couldn't imagine life after 21. Not that I couldn't imagine being alive, I just had no idea what it would be like, I just couldn't think past 21. It's finally setting in though, what life will be like at 21 years and one day.

    I'll have a hangover, and it might never go away.