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    Sunday, October 5, 2008

    To Clarify

    Let me tell you a little thing about Religion. I am not a huge fan of religion, and I never have been. I don't subscribe to a belief that there's some amorphous, all powerful, ultimately vengeful, ever forgiving father figure somewhere out in the ethos of the night sky with some divine plan. I don't believe that I was born on a path to success or failure, although sometimes I do wish that were the case--it'd be much less stressful. In two year when I graduate I'm going to be faced with a decision whether I want to be an Economist or a Teacher and I don't have someone to tap me on the shoulder to tell me what the right answer is, and I don't think that anyone else does either.

    But that's not what irks me about religion. What really pisses me off are all the holy wars that the churches and synagogues, and mosques have gotten us into. These Crusades, and the fucking Inquisition, and now this Cluster-Fuck romp through the middle-east. None of it makes any sense.

    I think people should be good, and I don't mean that in some Christian sense of morality, or any other sense of Religious morality. I think morality, a judgment of what is good and what is bad, is too important to be left to the Church, and all the other religious affiliations who've managed to get it so wrong before. The rational for being good shouldn't be the belief that someone bigger and stronger than you will punish you if you aren't. The rational for being good should be that you're a fucking human being, and so is everyone else.

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