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    Friday, September 12, 2008

    The Election

    I'm finding myself more and more engrossed in this whole "political process." I spend at least an hour a day looking at maps of the US with each state taking a different shade of red or blue just asking myself, "What can I do to make such and such state a lighter shade of red, or make such and such state a darker shade of blue."
    It's not because I think those "red-states" (which is actually a concept that I hate, but I have to use it for the sake of communicating effectively) are totally ass backwards. I think that they (generalizations are perfectly acceptable when talking about demographics represented by different colors) honestly believe that having more guns and fewer abortions can in some way make the world a better place. I also believe, whole heartedly, that such a world view totally a completely devoid of the truth.
    Would that make me a good politician?

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