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    Thursday, February 26, 2009

    White Power

    "Working at a University, as a tenured professor, sometimes it's difficult for me to feel as myself, being a white supremacist surrounded by all these intellectuals."

    This is a real live quote taken from a real live whit supremacist forum. It's irony is as thick and juicy as a New York Steak.

    Saturday, February 21, 2009


    My friend recently insisted that I get a twitter account, so I did thinking that I'd never use it, and basically just forget about it after a week or something. This turned out not to be the case, as Facebook has a twitter application, and now I can update my status with text messages. Needless to say, this convenient marriage of two of my favorite past times (texting and updating my facebook status) has had a negative impact on my productivity, and on my ability to separate myself from the internet. I'n totally fine with these developments.

    Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Just in: Republican Governers retarded

    In a USA today story, 4 Republican Governors give retarded quotes implying that they think a fiscal stimulus is a bad idea, despite rampant short falls in state budgets. Republicans are considering refusal of stimulus money for states because they're worried that once federal money "runs out" these new programs will be unsustainable. The Stimulus money is not designated for new programs though, it's designated for programs which have been proven to be sustainable in an economy which is operating near potential (which ours currently isn't).

    Wednesday, February 11, 2009


    I have something of a dilemma. I just opened a youtube account for the express purpose of recording moving images of myself for people all over the world to look at, and listen to. I intend to talk about things which by some grand measure are mundane, but that's largely what I already do here. There may be some features of this narcissism which lend themselves to the written word, a and others which lend themselves to visual and audible communication though, so I feel that the confluence of these to media may simply be the greatest gift I've ever given my ego.

    Let's hope this works.