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    Sunday, August 31, 2008

    Staying Informed

    I think that once again electoral-vote dot com will prove to be the most potent and relevant way to keep abreast with our national political races, which is to say a total waste of time.

    Friday, August 29, 2008


    Picking a former pageant runner up may have swayed my vote, had she not replaced her baby fat with botox.

    Still she's easily the second sexiest #2 candidate in the history of elections. Tsega will always be number one in my book as far as veeps are concerned.

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    Spring is in the Air

    Sasha finally built up the Courage to ask out Alex. That or she had an honest fear that Angela and I would disown her if she didn't. Either way, there are dinner plans for Thursday. Then my Final is Friday, then Angela leaves, then I binge on Summer.

    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    "Burger King Officials now say the sink has been sanitized...twice."

    I guess this tool didn't think that our nation was fighting obesity fast enough and decided that he should probably repulse us even further than generic processed chicken could.

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Intensive Chinese

    Alright, who's fucking idea was it to take Intensive Chinese? I'm gonna have something like a 2.9 cumulative GPA when this is all said and done. If I'm lucky. 2.9 is incidentally .1 less than the total number of cups I managed to sink in three games of beer pong over the weekend, which I believe is an improvement.